Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Russian oppostion leader Navalny jailed

Vladimir’s Putin most prominent opponent was sentenced to an additional 19 years behind bar on extremism charges. Alexey Navalny was delivered a guilty verdict ata. courtroom inside the maximum secuitty prison camp in Melekhovo, 145 miles east of Moscow. He was already seving a 11 1/2 year sentence when prosecutors requested a 20 year prison term for hsi pro- decomcracy campaigns that were agaisnt Putin’s regime. 

Navalany’s fifth criminla convition is thr longets prison dentience to date. The united states have spoken about he unjust sentencing that he has recieved calling it “an unjust conclusuon to an unjust trial.” 

Again Russian authorities illustrated that those who dare to critizie the rgime will suffer consequences due to there baselessness. 

Navalay, a 47 year old lawyer turned politician, has been in jail since 2021. Upon returning to Russia after recovering in Germnay, in 2022,  a Russian judge added nine years to the sentence of 2 1/2 years. 

In a closing staetment Navalny condemened Russia’s ongoing war with Ukraine. "[Russia is] floundering in a pool of either mud or blood, with broken bones, with a poor and robbed population, and around it lie tens of thousands of people killed in the most stupid and senseless war of the 21st century," he said.

Karina Tapia 

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