Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More than a Refugee or a Muslim

Last week Paris suffered 8 attacks where hundreds of people died. And once again ISIS has claimed this deaths giving the world some to blame, but also something to criticize on people. Muslims and Syrian refugees are the one suffering this everyday since the beginning of ISIS. We have pin pointed the Muslim religion as the one carrying out this attacks, in charge of these terrorists.
The different countries where the refugees are arriving in the European countries are being very welcoming, they understand that these people are in majority orphans, women and people who are running away from the danger, that is ISIS. These countries such as UK, Germany, Sweden and even France, after the attacks, are and will be accepting the refugees. In some of the countries where they are arriving and there is a significant population of Muslims, until now there were no attacks to the country. Then why are we in America linking the refugees to the attacks if they are running away from that, which they considered their daily routine back in Syria.
It is important to notice that most of the Muslim population suffers from discrimination in some way in their life. With the recent events they are have been trying to show the world that they are not related in any way to ISIS. Yes, they follow the muslim religion, but what the states and the public need to realize is that ISIS, is and extremist group of followers of islamism. The muslim religion does not agrees on killing on behave of their god or any ISIS activity. The past days we have heard again that governors around the states won't accept refugees because they are afraid of an attack and they want to keep the peace in the U.S., why would the classify the refugees, which most of them are part of the muslim religion, as a danger. RACISM, all I have to say it is that, their arguments for the fact they are just saying no because of and religion is like going back all the way and say we are not accepting black people because they are dangerous too. 

The U.S is a country where all religions, races and immigration status come together in one big nation, where kids are tough that being a certain way is wrong or right. But what if we instead of classifying people based of wrong or right we just accept them for what they are HUMAN beings, people who are seeking help, who want a better place to be than the constant terror or bomb and airstrikes. The American government needs to think clearly what their move is going to be in accepting the refugees they need to realise an go back that the people who once founded this country were refugees too.

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